JIMI 发表于 16:33


论文编号:WLX010  字数:7425,页数:14摘     要 随着社会的进步,人们越来越关注周围的空气质量。自动监测是城市空气环境质量监测的主要技术手段。在大气层的最外层,太阳光的照射量是比较固定的,强度、光谱等,经过大气层到达地面后,受到大气中烟尘、总悬浮颗粒物、可吸入悬浮颗粒物(浮尘)、二氧化氮、二氧化硫、一氧化碳、臭氧等对太阳光的散射和吸收作用的影响,光强、光谱等就会有变化。太阳光的变化就反映了空气成分的变化、气象条件的变化。本论文以此为出发点,再经过对实验数据的分析,讨论能否通过测量地表太阳光的变化得出大气的变化,从而提供一个测定空气质量的新方法的可行性。 关键词: 空气质量 太阳光 光强 自动监测系统 Abstract  With the progress of society, people more and more pay attention to the air quality. The automatic monitor has become the main technical method of city air quality monitor. In the outermost layer of the atmosphere, the sunlight radiation is relatively fixed. When the sunlight go through the atmosphere, it will be scattered and absorbed by dust, suspended particulates, respirable suspended particulates (PM10), NO2, SO2, CO and O3. That the luminous intensity and spectrum will change. The air ingredient's and the meteorological condition's change can be reflected by the sunlight's change. In this paper, we try to monitor the air quality by the sunlight intensity. We discuss the possibility whether we can get the atmosphere's change through survey the sunlight's change. The result shows that it is promising for developing air quality monitor by the sunlight. Keywords: air quality; sunlight; intensity; automatic monitor system 目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  11.1  研究的背景与目的 11.2  研究方法与系统描述 1第二章     空气污染对太阳光谱的影响  22.1   太阳光谱 22.2   空气污染 22.3   空气污染对太阳光谱的影响 2第三章     空气质量检测 33.1   当前检测方法 33.2   差分光学吸收光谱法  4    地表光强的测量和分析 6      4.1   杭州的空气质量 6      4.2   实验仪器及测量方法 6      4.3   实验数据及分析 6第五章     总结 9致谢 10参考文献 11
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查看完整版本: 利用太阳光地表光强分析空气质量