JIMI 发表于 16:33


论文编号:WLX034  字数:6926,页数:24摘    要本论文提出使用导体栅作为静电屏蔽的导体外壳,对于导体栅的静电屏蔽效果,论文提出使用波动方程来模拟缓慢变化的电场,使用差分方法求解二维波动方程,并通过数据的编程使用计算物理可视化平台形象地演示这个物理问题。进而计算了导体栅作为屏蔽外壳时壳内外的电场能量比值,所得结果表明导体栅具有很好的静电屏蔽作用。分析结果可为工业静电屏蔽的分析和设计提供有价值的参考。关键词:静电屏蔽  导体栅  波动方程  差分Abstract This treatise propose that when using conductor grating as electrostatic shielding conductor, to the conductor of the electrostatic shielding effect, treatise show that using wave equations to simulate the slow changes in the electric field. Use differential approach solving two-dimensional wave equation, and through the programming data Physical visual computing platform to demonstrate this physical problems. Then calculate the ratio of Electric field energy of field inside and outside of the conductor grating case, the result shows that it is very well to shield from electric fields by using conductor grating .This analysis results provide a valuable reference industrial for electrostatic shielding analysis and design.Keywords: electrostatic shielding  conductor grating  wave equations  differential目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  11.1  研究动机与目的 11.2  研究背景,研究方法与系统描述 11.3  论文热莞攀 2第二章     静电屏蔽及模型的建立  32.1   静电屏蔽 3 2.2  物理模型的建立 4第三章     波动方程 53.1   二维波动方程的差分 5第四章     程序设计 8 4.1  程序的编写 8 4.1.1计算步骤 8 4.1.2程序调试,运行以及图像 9第五章     电场泄露的计算 11      5.1  电场的能量 11 5.1.1电磁场的能量分析 11 5.1.2电场能量 11 5.2  数值计算 12第6章      结论 15致谢 16参考文献 17附录A 程序源代码 18          附录1 18          附录2 19
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查看完整版本: 导体栅的静电屏蔽作用