JIMI 发表于 16:33


论文编号:WLX030  字数:6836,页数:27摘     要  在钢琴使用的过程中往往会出现琴音不准的情况,所以校音是钢琴日常维护的一个重要方面。对于普通家庭来说,光凭耳朵来辨别调整后的音是否准确有一定困难,而购买专业钢琴校音器又价格不菲。在信息技术无比强大的今天,为何不用计算机来代替人耳进行校音呢?本论文阐释了如何根据钢琴乐理、音频信号特征和信号处理方法等相关理论技术,在MATLAB7.0编程平台上编制出一套基于PC声卡的定音系统,实现声音信号的导入、播放和频谱绘图等基本功能,并通过导入音与标准音频信号的对比分析给出一个相似度的评定,用来体现音高准确与否。该系统将为钢琴爱好者带来莫大的帮助。关键词: MATLAB7.0  校音  频谱  音高Abstract  The pitch will be inaccurate if you have used your piano for a long time,so pitch correction is one of the most important part in Piano routine maintenance. For the average family,it is difficult to identify the correctness of the sound corrected by ear,and it is expensive to buy a professional piano correction tool.In today of very strong Information Technology ,why do we not use computer to instead our ears?This article explains how to prepare a set of PC audio-baced sound comfirmation system in MATLAB7.0 according to Piano Music Theory, Audio Signal Characteristics and Signal Processing Methods, to achieve the functions of sound signal import,play and spectrum graphics.It will give a evaluation of similarity to reflect the accuracy of pitch by comparing import sound signal and the standard sound signal.The system will bring great help to piano lovers.Keywords: MATLAB7.0  sound correction  spectrum  pitch目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  11.1  研究动机与目的 11.2  研究背景 11.4  论文热莞攀 2第二章     设计原理  32.1  频谱分析原理 32.1.1  DFT与FFT 32.1.2  频率、周期的估计 42.1.3  频谱图 42.2  模块划分 4第三章     软件实现 63.1  MATLAB简介 63.2  界面设计 63.2.1  GUI和GUIDE 63.2.2  程序界面 7 3.3  测试音区模块的实现 83.3.1  打开音频文件 83.3.2  播放 93.3.3  频域分析 10 3.4  标准音区模块的实现 113.4.1  音高频率表 113.4.2  下拉菜单组 113.4.3  频域分析 12 3.5  相似度模块的实现 12 3.6  运行实例与误差分析 12第四章     总结与展望 14 4.1  总结 14 4.2  展望 14致谢 15参考文献 16附录A  程序源代码 17
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