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论文编号:WLX050  字数:7362,页数:24 摘       要  计算机数值模拟的研究方法已成为继实验研究和理论分析之外的第三种研究手段,在物理学的研究中得到了广泛的应用。在物理课的学习中,计算机数值法也越来越受到人们的青睐。国外的大学物理已经把计算机编程写进教材,在新改编的《普通物理学》(程守诛、江之永主编) 第七版中,也加入了若干计算机数值解的例题和习题,使一些原来求解过程复杂的物理习题得以较充分的讨论,一些比较枯燥的习题变得更为生动而有启发性,一些计算量很大的习题轻而易举的得以解决。眼下有许多十分优秀的应用软件可作为计算机数值解的工具,MATLAB就是目前广为流行的一个,MATLAB软件有强大的数值计算和作图功能。本文列举一些用MATLAB求解物理习题的例子,来展示计算机数值求解在大学物理学习中的优点,并期望得到更多的推广和应用。   关键词:MATLAB 大学物理 物理习题 数值求解Abstract Computer simulation of experimental research method has become the third addition to theoretical analysis and research methods, has been widely used in research in college physics. In the learning of college physics, computer numerical method is also favor to more and more people. Foreign colleges have the computer programming written into the physical materials, General Physics(Cheng Shou Zhu, the Jiang editor) Seventh edition, also joined a number of computer numerical solution of the examples and exercises, so that some original physical exercises can be fully discussed, some of the boring exercises become more vivid and enlightening, a great number of computational problems can be solved easily. There are many very good applications can be used as a tool for computer numerical solution, MATLAB is now a widely popular. MATLAB software has a powerful computing and mapping functions. The following list a number of solving physics problems by using MATLAB to show the advantages of numerical solution in college physics learning, and expect more of the promotion and application. Keywords:MATLAB; college physics; physical problems; numerical solution目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  11.1  大学物理习题学习的历史背景 11.2  MATLAB用于大学物理解题的意义 21.3  研究方法 21.4  论文热莞攀 2第二章     MATLAB用于大学物理解题  32.1   避免繁琐运算 32.2   超越方程的求解 42.3   过程的模拟 72.4  实验结果模拟 14第三章      MATLAB用于大学物理习题求解的思考 18第四章     结论 19致谢 20参考文献 21
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