JIMI 发表于 16:33


论文编号:WLX041  字数:10855,页数:20摘     要    光速是一个重要的物理常量,它与力学、电磁学、光学及近代物理中的许多定理、定律都有着极为密切的联系,故光速的测定历来为人们所普遍重视。本论文分析了光速测定的历史过程,分别阐述了伽利略,罗丹,傅科,迈克耳孙的光速测定实验,提出了光速测定在物理学史的意义。本文综述了以太理论的发展历程,探讨了机械以太说,光以太说,电磁以太说,以太是否存在以及以太漂移理论对光速测定的决定性意义。本文阐述了光速测定的最新进展-激光光速实验和本人在本校实验室用相位法测量光速的结果,用所得结果和其他光速测定结果进行了比较和分析。并且就光速测定的前景进行了展望。关键词:光速测定; 以太理论;迈克耳孙光速实验;激光光速实验Abstract      Light of velocity is a very important physical constant, it has close relationship with dynamics, electromagnetics, optics and many theorems in recent physics, so the measurement of velocity of light has long been attached by many people。 This article has elaborated the development of the measurement of velocity of light; it respectively elaborates the measurement of velocity of light conducted by Galileo, Rosin and Michelson and put forward the importance of measurement in the history of physics。 Also, the article summarizes the development of aether theory; explore the theory of mechanism aether, luminiferous ether, electromagnetic ether, as well as whether or not the aether is existed, and the decisive significance of the aether theory towards the measurement of velocity of light。 This article elaborates the latest development of the measurement of velocity of light----the result of the laser experiment and the result of velocity of light by ways of Phase-based method which was done in our school laboratory ,then use the result and other results while measuring the velocity in order to make a comparison      and analysis。besides,we make an outlook towards the prospect of the measurment of light velocity。                                                  Keywords:mensuration ofvelocity of light aether theory;  aether theory;Michelson mensuration ofvelocity of light ;   the result ofthe laser experiment 目  录中文摘要 1英文摘要 2目录 3第一章     绪论  4 1.1  研究动机与目的 4 1.2  研究背景与意义 4第二章     以太理论  6 2.1   机械以太说 6      2.2  光以太说 6      2.3  电磁以太说   7      2.4  以太是否存在 8第三章     光速测定的最新报道及实测分析 10 3.1   利用脉冲激光进行光速测定 10      3.2  利用高精度时间间隔测量技术实现光速测定 13           3.2.1高精度时间间隔测量技术 13           3.2.2测量系统 13           3.2.3实验结果 14      3.3相位法实测结果及分析 15           3.3.1相位法测定调制波波长 15           3.3.2差频法测位相 16           3.3.3实验装置 16           3.3.4实验数据及计算结果 17第四章     结论 18致谢 19参考文献 20
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