JIMI 发表于 16:21


论文编号:WLX078  字数:7217,页数:24摘     要  本文首先给出了弹簧振子在定常干摩擦阻尼作用下的振动微分方程,并通过分段求解,归纳出其在各个阶段的解的一般形式,然后分析了该阻尼振动的基本规律,并用MATLAB作出了振动的图象。最后,在此基础上,探讨了加一个外驱动力使之做受迫振动的情况,并求解有阻尼的受迫振动的动力学方程。关键词:干摩擦阻尼  振幅衰减量  等时性  受迫振动  共振Abstract At first, the differential equations of the oscillation with a spring oscillator under constant dry frictional damping are given, and the general form of the solution for each stage is induced after being solved stage by stage. Then, the basic laws of the oscillation are analyzed, and the graphs of it are made by MATLAB. On this basis, adding an external driving force to make it to do the forced vibration is discussed, and the general form of the solution of the dynamic equations of damped forced vibration is solved.Keywords:dry frictional damping; value of amplitude attenuation; isochronisms;forced vibration;resonance目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  1 1.1  研究背景        1.1.1 阻力的分类及微观原理  1        1.1.2  外摩擦力 1        1.1.3  内摩擦力 1 1.2  研究的动机与目的 2 1.3  研究的方法与系统描述  2第二章      阻尼振动的探讨 3  2.1   阻尼振动的微分方程及一般解 3      2.2  阻尼振动的基本规律 5           2.2.1 动平衡位置  5           2.2.2 振动的等时性  6           2.2.3 阻尼振动的振幅按等差数列的规律递减  6          2.2.4 形成振动的条件 7  2.3  振动图像的描绘    8第三章     有阻尼的受迫振动探讨    10     3.1   受迫振动的定义  10 3.2  有阻尼的受迫振动的动力学方程及其一般解  11 3.3  共振现象的应用和防止    15第四章    结论  17致谢   18参考文献   19附录MATLAB程序源代码     20
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