JIMI 发表于 16:21


论文编号:WLX140  字数:8007,页数:24  附任务书,文献综述,开题报告,外文翻译基于AT89C2051的LCD显示技术 摘要  单片机即微控制器(MCU)具有集成度高、功能强、可靠性高、体积小、功耗低、使用方便、价格低廉等一系列优点,目前,单片机的应用已渗入到人们工作和生活得各个角落。本文在分别介绍了AT89C2051单片机的主要性能参数和功能以及LCD液晶显示器的工作原理、性能等特点之后。重点阐述该系统的硬件电路设计和软件设计,应用4×4的键盘输入,用C语言编程通过单片机控制,最终在LCD上显示。关键词:液晶显示器(LCD)  单片机  硬件、软件设计 LCD display technology based on AT89C2051abstract: Microprocessor, which is called micro controller unit, has a series of advantages such as high level of integration, strong function, high reliability, small size, low power consumption, easy to use, low in price and so on. At present, the application of microprocessor has been infiltrated into people’ work and live in every corner. In this paper, the main performance parameters and functions of AT89C2051 is introduced, as well as liquid crystal display LCD working principle, performance characteristics. The system focuses on the hardware circuit design and software design, application of 4 × 4 keyboard input, C language programming through the use of single-chip control, finally displayed in LCD.Keywords:liquid crystal display(LCD), microprocessor, hardware、software design 目  录中文摘要 1英文摘要 2目录 3第一章     绪论 4  1.1  研究动机与目的 4 1.2  研究方法与系统描述 4 1.3  论文热莞攀 4第二章     AT89C2051单片机简介 5  2.1   AT89C2051主要性能参数 5      2.2   AT89C2051的功能概述 5      2.3   AT89C2051的原理方框图及功能引脚说明 6      2.3.1 方框图 6      2.3.2 功能引脚概述 6第三章     LCD液晶显示器简介 8 3.1   LCD液晶显示器的工作原理 8      3.2  LCD液晶显示器的主要技术参数 8      3.3  LCD液晶显示器的特点 10 3.4  LCD液晶显示器的分类 10第四章     系统设计方案 11      4.1  液晶显示器各种图形的显示原理 12      4.2  外围电路设计 12      4.3  程序流程图 14      4.4  系统原理图 15 4.5  系统仿真软件代码 16第五章     结语 22参考文献 23致谢 24
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