JIMI 发表于 16:21


论文编号:WLX139  字数:9207,页数:18光的波动性与粒子性摘     要 诸多物理现象表明了光是有波动性的,如光的干涉和衍射,但在微观尺度的实验中,更多的现象能说明光也具有粒子性的。光的波动说与粒子说之争始于17世纪,经过300多年的曲折过程后以“波粒二象性”学说而告终。那么,光的波动性和粒子性究竟指的是什么?两者之间又存在怎么样的关系呢?本文从对光本性的认识出发,通过系统地阐述波粒二象性理论的产生和发展过程,并且结合哲学上的方法论,来探索这两个问题,从而让我们更加深刻地了解光学发展史的轨迹,诠释前人的物理思想。关键词:光 波动性 粒子性 波粒二象性Wave and Particle Properties of LihgtAbstract Some physical effects indicate that light is a motion wave. For example, interference and diffraction. But others, especially in microscopic world, suggest that light has particle-like properties. Since the 17th century, the dispute over the question of the nature of light began. Finally, with 300 years' difficult process, the theory of  “wave-particle duality”  has won this dispute. What’s the meaning of wave-particle duality? What is the relationship between these natures of light? In this paper, from the knowledge of light’s quality and philosophical methodology, by analyzing the history of wave-particle duality, we explore these two issues. Then, we can understand deeply the development of optics and the thinking of physicists.Keywords:light;  wave;  particle;  wave-particle duality目  录中文摘要 i英文摘要 ii目录 iii第一章     绪论  11.1  研究动机与目的 11.2  研究背景 1第二章     光的波粒二象性的发展  22.1   波动光学的提出和发展 2     2.1.1  波动说体系的形成 2     2.1.2  光的电磁理论的建立 22.2   量子光学的崛起与波粒二象性的提出 3 2.2.1  量子假说的提出与发展 3     2.2.2  波粒二象性的建立 3第三章     波粒二象性的升华 5第四章      用辩证的观点理解光的波粒二象性 6 4.1  用发展的眼光看光的波粒二象性 6 4.2  用对立统一理解波粒二象性 6 4.2.1  光子和光波 6 4.2.2  用波动理论解释粒子性 7 4.2.3  用光子概念解释光的波动性 7 4.2.4  单缝衍射的波函数解释 8第五章     波粒二象性浅议 11 5.1  坚持自然现象的相互联系性 11 5.2  在否定中寻找真理 12 5.3  真理的相对性和动态性 12第六章     结束语 13参考文献 14致谢 15
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