JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX104  论文字数:11547,页数:51

 In agricultural production, spray irrigation of crops is very important. In order to enhance the efficiency of irrigation, the water sprinkler usually need an automation control of the time and the duration.. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a system that can irrigate at certain time, witch is determined by the environmental parameters that come from sensors. The system use DS1302 as main chip of its timing module, and DS18B20 as its temperature sensor. AT89S52 accept the timing and temperature signals, and show them on the LCD1602-a 16 by 2 LCD display. The time and duration of sprinkler irrigation is determined by the timing signal and the temperature parameters. The months also influence the duration of sprinkler irrigation. The system use modular design, the hardware circuit has simple structure, Data transmission use digital transmission, and work stability and exactly.
Key words: Automatic sprinkler, Time, Temperature acquisition

摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
 1.1 背景 1
 1.2 研究内容 1
第2章 自动喷灌系统设计 2
 2.1 系统设计原理 2
 2.2 单元电路的方案论证与比较 3
 2.2.1 时钟模块 3
 2.2.2 环境参数采集模块 3
 2.2.3 喷灌模拟模块 4
 2.2.4 显示模块 4
第3章 系统的硬件电路设计 6
 3.1 时钟模块电路设计 6
 3.1.1 时钟芯片DS1302简介 6
 3.1.2时钟模块的电路图 7
 3.2 环境参数的采集模块电路设计 8
 3.2.1 DS18B20的简介 8
 3.2.2 环境采集模块的电路图 12
 3.3 显示模块的电路设计 12
 3.3.1 液晶显示屏LCD1602简介 12
 3.3.2 显示模块的电路图 14
 3.4 逻辑控制模块设计 14
 3.4.1 单片机AT89S52简介 14
 3.4.2 整个系统的电路图 17
第4章 系统的软件设计 18
 4.1 调节时间的按键程序设计 19
 4.2 DS18B20的温度采集程序 19
 4.3 计算喷灌时间的程序设计 20
 4.4 DS1302时钟程序的设计 20
 4.5 LCD1602显示模块程序设计 20
第5章 系统的调试 22
第6章 结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附录1 源代码 26
附录2 电路原理图 45
附录3 仿真效果图 46
附录4 实物图 47
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 自动喷灌系统的设计与制作