JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX098  论文字数:10810,页数:28

关键词:开关电源 ;高频变压器 ; PWM调制
    With the rapid development of computer technology, electronic equipment and people working and living increasingly close relationship. Any electronic equipment without a reliable power supply, and power requirements of the increasingly high.
    Switch regulated power supply to small size, light weight, high efficiency, stable performance, etc., and gradually replace the linear regulator power supply. However, most power are higher voltage and current output, the larger power. In this paper, the design of the output of the low-power 5V3A Switching Power Supply. First of all, the development of switching power supply, classification, and other aspects of the working principle is described and presented by a PWM modulator UC3843 features composed of AC / DC switching power supply, for which input and output, transformer and other circuit module done A Comparative Introduction, and the high-frequency transformer which has done a brief introduction.
Key words:Switching Mode Power Supply ; High-frequency Transformer ;  PWM Modulation
摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
 1.1开关电源的现状 1
 1.2 本课题研究内容 2
第2章 开关电源概述 3
 2.1 开关电源的分类 3
 2.2 开关电源的工作原理 4
第3章 基于UC3843设计电路 8
 3.1 开关电源的控制方法 8
 3.1.1脉宽调制技术 8
 3.1.2 谐振变换技术 8
 3.1.3 软开关技术 9
 3.2 UC3843的结构特性 9
 3.3 UC3843的工作原理 12
 3.4 设计电路及分析 13
 3.5 电路模块分析 14
 3.5.1输入整流滤波电路 14
 3.5.2 功率变换电路 15
 3.5.3 输出整流滤波电路 16
 3.5.4 短路保护电路 16
 3.5.4 输入过欠压保护 17
 3.6 高频变压器 18
第4章 结束语 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
附录 实物图 24
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 小功率通用开关电源