JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX097  论文字数:20333,页数:47
摘     要
 现代测试技术是以计算机为核心的测试系统,具有两个平台,一个是以PC为核心的基础硬件模块,包括传感器、调理器、I/O接口设备等,另一个是软件平台。而最新一代的仪器――虚拟/集成仪器是现代测试系统的一种代表形式,在多种I/O接口设备中,由数据采集卡(Data Acquisition Board,DAQ)组建的硬件平台又是现代测试系统的最基本形式。
 The computer is the core of modern measurement Technology. The system usually has two parts, one is called hardware that taking PC as core, including sensors, conditioners, I/O interface equipment. Another is called software. The lastest generation of instruments――Virtual Instrument is the representative form. Between a variety of I/O interface equipments, the data acquisition board is the most basic form in the modern measurement Technology.
 The paper firstly introduced the virtual instrument concept, generation, the background and significance of the application, Research and development trends. The VI what was used developed by the company of NI in the USA――LabVIEW.  Introduced the interface of the LabVIEW and basic methods of operation easily.The Structure that the system of the experimental used was “Sensor + Conditioning circuit +DAQ Card +Computer”, you will design a temperature measurement system in the LabVIEW.
 The paper show that how to complete the step of the project, and Platinum RTD temperature measurement characteristics of the experimental procedure Model.
KEY WORD: virtual instrument, LabVIEW, temperature measurement, data acquisition, thermistor, thermocouple
目   录
摘     要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究的主要内容 2
第2章 虚拟仪器 3
2.1 虚拟仪器基本概念 3
2.2 虚拟仪器构成 4
2.3 虚拟仪器发展方向 4
2.4 LabVIEW简介 5
2.5 LabVIEW基本开发环境与模板介绍 5
2.5.1 开发环境窗口 5
2.5.2 LabVIEW模板介绍 6
第3章 热电式传感器基本原理 9
3.1 概述 9
3.2 热电偶 9
3.2.1 基本概念 9
3.2.2 测温原理 9
3.3 热电阻 11
3.3.1 基本概念 11
3.3.2 热电阻特性 12
第4章 数据采集的硬件配置 14
4.1 概述与原理 14
4.2 数据采集卡DSoundStar 15
4.2.1 产品介绍 15
4.2.2 主要性能指标 16
4.3 数据采集系统 16
4.3.1 传统数据采集系统基本组成 16
4.3.2 基于虚拟仪器的温度测量系统介绍 16
第5章 基于虚拟仪器的温度测量系统实验项目设计 18
5.1 总体思路 18
5.2 系统总体结构 18
5.3 实验项目设计 19
5.3.1 铂热电阻测温特性实验 19
5.3.2 铂热电阻测温特性实验LabVIEW示范程序 20
5.3.3 K型热电偶测温特性实验 25
第6章 总结 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附录1: DsoundStar的初始化 30
附录2:虚拟温度测量系统实验指导书 39
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查看完整版本: 基于虚拟仪器的温度测量系统的实验项目设计