JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX091  论文字数:13231,页数:49
摘  要
 本次毕业设计的题目是基于SJA1000的CAN总线控制器设计,系统主要由三部分构成:微控制器AT89C52、独立CAN控制器SJA1000、CAN总线驱动器82C250。微处理器89C52负责SJA1000的初始化,通过控制SJA1000 实现数据的接收和发送等通信任务。可以控制受控设备,实现可靠的实时数据传输。
关键词: CAN总线,数据传输,总线驱动
 Recently, the industrial bus technology is a research hotspot in industrial control area. The industrial bus technology has many advantages, it is more extensively compare to the traditional web control, can be supported by all the programming language, abundant software and hardware resources, easy to be connected with internet, it also can achieve the seamless connection of office automation web and industrial control web and so on.
 The title of this graduation project is based on the SJA1000’s CAN bus controller, this system is formed by three parts: microcontroller AT89C52, independent CAN controller SJA1000, CAN bus driver 82C250. Microcontroller89C52 responsible for the starting of SJA1000, then achieve the communication task of data receive and transmit through the control of SJA1000. It can control the controlled facilities, and make real time data transmission comes true.
Key words: CAN bus, Data transmit, Bus driver
目 录
摘  要 I
第1章  引 言 1
1.1  课题的背景 1
1.2  课题的主要研究内容 1
第2章 方案论证 2
2.1  现场总线的选择 2
2.2  从接收端总线控制器的选择 3
第3章 系统总体设计及主要芯片介绍 4
3.1  系统总体设计 4
3.2  主要芯片介绍 5
3.2.1  微处理器AT89C52 5
3.2.2  CAN总线控制器SJA1000 7
3.2.3  CAN总线收发器PCA82C250 9
第4章  CAN总线协议分析 10
4.1  物理层协议 10
4.2  数据链路层协议 11
4.2.1  CAN数据帧格式 12
第5章 系统硬件设计 14
5.1  微处理器模块 14
5.2  CAN总线控制器模块 15
5.3  CAN驱动器模块 16
第6章 系统软件设计 18
6.1  控制器程序流程分析 18
6.2  微处理器模块程序流程分析 20
第7章  毕业设计总结 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录1  总电原理图 27
附录2  元器件清单 28
附录3  实际硬件图 29
附录4  程 序 30
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 基于SJA1000的CAN总线系统节点设计