JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX086  论文字数:19614,页数:52
 Along with the quickly development of electronic technology, the technology of signal generator design has got great raising ,has gotten quick development, not only have realized firmly form melt , and have arisen the new kind instruments such as some of letter raw wares, sweep signal generator and the signal generator of programmed control, major working property has got maximum raising.
 This paper mainly introduces a new multifunctional audio signal generator which is designed by software. Multifunctional audio signal generator can generate various audio signals under the control of the computer, such as sine wave、white noise、pink noise signals and signals defined by user. It uses the principle of digital synthesis to generate signal, frequency, and the amplitude is very stable and free from the external hardware, so it can get the ideal digital signal. The software have a perfect interface, the user can get an ideal signal through simple operation on the computer keyboard and mouse. The software also can get multiple waveform signals, and corresponding graphics can be shown on the screen. Meanwhile, according to the different signals, frequency, amplitude, response time and the phase can be input. The software through the computer sound card can achieve vocal function, and it has the characteristics of reliability, full range of functions, easy to generate signal.
Keywords: Signal generator,Directsound,Signal data,Vc++,Audio 
摘要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及重要意义 1
1.1.1课题的背景 1
1.1.2课题的意义 2
1.2 课题设计的目的及目标 2
1.2.1课题的目的 2
1.2.2 课题的目标 2
第2章 设计方案论证 4
2.1 多功能音频信号发生器的实现方案一 4
2.1.1 设计性能 4
2.1.2 设计实现 4
2.2 多功能音频信号发生器的实现方案二 5
2.2.1 设计性能 5
2.2.2 设计实现 5
2.3 两种方案的对比 6
第3章多功能音频信号发生器的框架设计 7
3.1数据流信号 8
3.1.1总体策划 8
3.1.2遇到的问题 10
3.2音频设计 10
3.2.1总体策划 10
3.2.2遇到的问题 10
3.3软件界面 11
3.3.1总体策划 11
3.3.2遇到的问题 12
第4章 多功能音频信号发声器的详细设计 13
4.1各种类型信号的实现 13
4.1.1 采样频率的确定 13
4.1.2数据流生成函数的设计 13
4.1.3 正弦波 15
4.1.4白噪声 17
4.1.5扫频正弦波 18
4.1.6幅度扫描正弦波 19
4.1.7粉红噪声 20
4.1.8猝发音信号 21
4.1.9多频信号 22
4.2音频硬件和软件的实现 23
4.2.1声卡输出音频的实现 23
4.2.2音频的软件实现 25
4.2.3 音频的最终实现 27
4.3人机界面的vc++实现 27
4.3.1主界面的设计和实现 27
4.3.2各个对应界面的实现 29
第5章 软件的调试与修改整体调试 36
5.1整体调试 36
5.1.1数据流的初步调试 36
5.1.2音频信号的调试 36
5.2几个问题 36
5.2.1数据信号的产生 36
5.2.2界面的显示 37
5.2.3数据块太大 37
5.2.4 directsound不能发声 37
第6章 毕业设计总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录1 白噪声的算法 42
附录2 数据流函数 43
附录3 音频代码 47
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