JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX082  论文字数:16326,页数:58
关键词: 超声波;测距;时间测量 

 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Technology has been widely used in our social life, such as reversing remind, distance measuring of construction and industrial sites. Although the current measuring range could reach to hundred meters,the accuracy of measuring could only reach to cm magnitude, for those reasons above, the demands of high-precision ultrasonic distance measuring system is growing rapidly.
 This article provides an overview of the development and the basic principles of ultrasonic testing, introduces the principle and characteristics of ultrasonic sensors. The key parameters of ranging system have been discussed. On this basis, I have contrasted and made a choice for time measurement program, studied on the overall composition of the system, demonstrated the design of all the launching and receiving parts. At the end I present the application of Single-chip in this system, and have designed the realization of all the hardware and software of Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Alarm System parts.
Keywords: Ultrasonic;Distance Measurement;Time Measurement
目  录
摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
 1.1背景 1
 1.2 超声检测的优势 1
 1.3 本文主要研究内容 1
第2章 超声波测距原理 3
 2.1 超声波的特性 3
 2.1.1 波长与辐射 3
 2.1.2 反射 3
 2.1.3 温室效应 4
 2.1.4 衰减 4
 2.1.5 超声波的应用特性 4
 2.2 超声波测距的基本原理 5
第3章 超声波测距的方法介绍 7
 3.1 超声波传播距离的测量方法 7
 3.2 连续波相移方法 7
 3.3 超声波信号处理方法 8
 3.3.1最小二乘法 8
 3.3.2 阈值比较法 8
 3.3.3 相关函数法 9
第4章 超声波回振法测距研究 11
 4.1 回振法简介 11
 4.2 单次波回振法测量原理 12
 4.3 连续波回振法测量原理 13
 4.4 连续波回振法的改进方案 14
 4.5 回振法超声波传播时间测量结构 15
第5章 超声波收发电路设计 17
 5.1 超声传感器简介 17
 5.2 发射电路中的超声波传感器 18
 5.3 超声波收发电路设计 20
 5.4 盲区问题 20
 5.4 检测单元的设计方案 21
 5.4.1 模拟检测 22
第6章 单片机控制及软件实现 24
 6.1 单片机AP7675 24
 6.1.1掉电保护电路 25
 6.1.2报警电路 26
 6.1.3电源电路 26
 6.1.4 晶振电路 26
 6.2 系统的软件结构 27
 6.3 系统的软件流程图 27
 6.4 系统在实际应用中的误差 28
第7章 结束语 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录一 硬件原理图 33
附录二 实物图 34
附录三 程序 35
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 超声波技术在距离测量中的应用