JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX139  论文字数:18397,页数:44
 With the development of society and improvement of people's living standards, the safety of drinking water is increasingly concerned and attended widely. Rational use of of water resources, deep purification of drinking water, automation of water production will be the development trend of the water industry.
 The topic of this graduation project is Water Automation System based on CAD, the system consists of PLC (programmable logic controller) and network systems, equipment and instrument systems, video systems and lightning protection and grounding systems. This design is comparison basic, and it's is based on the graphic design.
 The PLC uses Siemens S7-400 and S7-300 combination as the basic framework, combines with operating parameters of field devices, and it builds a complete automatic control system, this system has a certain practical value and meaning of promotion.

Key words: Water plant, Automation, CAD, Programmable logic controller

摘要 I
第1章 绪论 1
 1.1 我国水资源状况 1
 1.2 我国水厂自动控制的现状 1
 1.3 本课题的研究背景及意义 2
 1.4 项目背景 3
 1.5 设计任务与目标 4
第2章 水厂工艺及技术要求 5
 2.1 常山水厂工艺流程 5
 2.2 工艺流程介绍及技术要求 5
第3章 水厂自动控制系统的设计 9
 3.1 概述 9
 3.2 中央控制室 9
 3.3 PLC控制站 10
 3.3.1 设置位置和控制范围 10
 3.3.2 PLC站的主要功能 11
 3.3.3 PLC控制器的具体选型 12
 3.3.4 PLC控制器的特点 12
 3.3.5 PLC模块功能描述 13
 3.3.6 自控系统防雷接地 17
 3.4 监视点设置 17
第4章 Auto CAD制图 18
 4.1 Auto CAD简介 18
 4.2 Auto CAD常用命令 19
 4.3 使用Auto CAD制图 21
 4.3.1 网络架构 21
 4.3.2 监控系统 21
 4.3.3 柜内布置 22
 4.3.4 220V供电系统 22
 4.3.5 24V供电系统 23
 4.3.6 模块接线 23
第5章 结束语 26
致  谢 27
参考文献 28
附录 29
附录一:配置清单 29
附录二:仪表清单 33
附录三:点位表 35
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 水厂自控系统的CAD设计