JIMI 发表于 20:51


论文编号:DZXX136  论文字数:19213,页数:65
摘 要
  The frequency synthesizer has been widely used in information communications and FM broadcasting. With digital technology in the rapid development of frequency synthesis technology to a new level.
 The issue of using direct digital synthesis method to complete frequency synthesis. Hardware from the baseline frequency module production costs, frequency synthesizer module, keyboard input module, the module has four major components. Specific measures for implementation are : AT89C51 as the core, through the keyboard input to the microcontroller designated frequency, by SCM algorithm programmed control programmable counter 8254 and consisting of 4,046 PLL synthesis module, specified output frequency; Meanwhile, SCM will be sent to the frequency synthesis module displayed.
 In the design process, in the hardware design has used the tool PROTEL99SE manufacture schematic diagram and the PCB board chart, in the software design has used the method which the module programs. In the debugging process has used the oscilloscope, the avonmeter, Top2005 programming, simulation software  of  Chaoxiang 3000.
 Key words: Single-chip;the frequency synthesis; the keyboard entry; LED demonstrated
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2课题任务 3
第2章 设计方案论证 4
2.1频率合成的方法 4
2.2 系统构成 5
2.2.1  系统基本原理 5
2.2.2  系统组成和流程 5
2.3  控制系统任务 6
第3章 系统硬件设计 7
3.1 硬件介绍 7
3.1.1  单片机AT89C51 7
3.1.2  可编程定时/计数器8254 8
3.1.3  锁相环CD4046介绍 14
3.1.4  译码器CD4511 16
3.2  硬件电路设计与实现 18
3.2.1  频率合成模块 18
3.2.2  控制输入模块 19
3.2.3  显示模块 20
3.2.4  单片机外围电路及端口使用 21
第4章 系统软件编写与分析 23
4.1  引言 23
4.2  局部功能模块分析与编写 23
4.2.1  基准时钟频率产生程序的分析与编写 23
4.2.2  频率合成模块程序的分析与编写 28
4.2.3  键盘判断与响应程序分析与编写 30
4.2.4  频率数值显示程序的分析与编写 34
4.3  总程序 38
第5章 系统整体调试 40
5.1  调试工具 40
5.2  软件调试 40
5.3  整体调试 48
第6章 总结 51
致谢 52
参考文献 53
附录1: 系统硬件电路设计原理图 54
附录2: 系统PCB外观图 55
附录3: 系统总程序 56
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查看完整版本: 频率合成器设计