JIMI 发表于 20:50


论文编号:DZXX170  论文字数:9140,页数:25
 With the social development of information science, the production of charger is gradually improved. Now it is emphasized energy conservation and environmental protection which is good for the living conditions of future generations. How to make a kind of low power, easy to carry, high charge efficiency is becoming a discussion topic for researchers in various countries in the world.
 This article mainly discuss step-up circuit and step-down circuit of charger which is made for mc34063 chip. First it can judge the power of the external voltage through oscillator circuit. If the power of the external voltage is less than five point four volt, then step-up circuit is selected by default during charging. If the power of the external voltage is more than five point four volt, the oscillator circuit is working, circuit switch to the step-down circuit is charging function. The speed of charging is fast and internal components use up less energy. In this paper, the design process to do the following two main areas of work. First it need to discuss and select the system design program, second it need to think about how to design ant how to weld in the board.
Keywords: MC34063 Chip, Step-up Circuit, Step-down Circuit, Automatic Switching Circuit, Feasibility
摘要 II
第1章 引言 1
1.1 背景 1
1.1.1问题的提出 1
1.1.2国内充电器的市场状况 1
1.1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.1.4设计此充电器的意义 3
1.2 研究内容和需解决的问题 3
1.2.1 研究内容 3
1.2.2 需解决的问题 4
第2章MC34063的概述 5
2.1 MC34063的简介 5
2.1.1 MC34063的特点 5
2.1.2 MC34063的基本结构 5
2.2 MC34063的工作原理 6
2.2.1升压电路芯片内部工作原理 6
2.2.2降压电路芯片内部工作原理 7
2.3 MC34063的特殊应用 8
2.3.1扩展输出电流的应用 8
2.3.2具有关断功能的MC34063电路 8
第3章 硬件设计 10
3.1硬件设计目标 10
3.2硬件设计任务 11
3.3硬件设计过程 11
3.3.1 方案的选择 11
3.3.2 方案的介绍 11
第4章 硬件焊接及测试 14
4.1 硬件焊接概述 14
4.2 硬件焊接出现的问题 14
4.3 电路测试 15
第5章 充电器的功能实现 16
5.1 自动切换电路的实现 16
5.2升压电路的充电功能实现 16
5.3降压电路的充电功能实现 16
第6章 结束语 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
附录 20
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查看完整版本: 采用MC34063芯片设计的稳压充电器