JIMI 发表于 20:50


论文编号:DZXX265  论文字数:16241,页数:44
 With the application of embedded system gradually extensive,all kinds of requirements in embedded operating system are increasing.File system is a core component of the operating system.
 File system of embedded operating system includes document organization and management structure.It is the core of embedded operating system.The file system is a group of files and directories operation in ecternal.Documents can be read and write, directories can be created and deleted.And internally,the file system is very different. File system design must take into account the storage area of the distribution system and how to record documents,which block the use of such.File system performance and reliability also are important issues.The file systems of each operating systems are not necessarily the same,which is mainly reflected in the document storage space of the dynamic allocation mechanism.Documents system has its own characteristics.
 File system based on the ARM embedded controller LPC2214 is presented in this paper. Many embedded applications involving data processing needed file system.The operation of embedded file system an has its own characteristics.Therefore,to complete these function need improving the function of the traditional file system.So this graduation design mission is fully familiar with the traditional system of documentation,according to the requirements of embedded systems,completing simple file system which includes functions of file creation and reading,writing,deleted file manipulation etc..
Keywords: embedded, file system,LPC2214
摘要 I
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
 1.1 背景 1
 1.2 研究内容 2
第2章 嵌入式文件系统简介 3
2.1 文件系统概述 3
 2.2 嵌入式文件系统的功能与特点 3
 2.3 本章小结 4
第3章 嵌入式文件系统设计技术 5
 3.1文件存储分配方式 5
 3.1.1 连续分配 5
 3.1.2 链接表分配 5
 3.1.3 索引的链接表分配 6
 3.2 磁盘空间管理 7
 3.2.1 块大小 7
 3.2.2 记录空闲块 8
 3.3文件系统性能 9
 3.4 本章小结 10
第4章 保护机制 11
 4.1 保护域 11
 4.2 存取控制表 11
 4.3 权限 11
 4.4 本章小结 12
第5章 基本的文件操作 13
 5.1 FAT文件系统介绍 13
 5.1.1 FAT文件分配表 14
 5.1.2 簇的大小 15
 5.1.3 簇的分配 15
 5.1.4 簇的释放 16
 5.2 介绍LPC2214 16
 5.3 文件系统的格式 16
 5.4 文件操作 17
 5.4.1 用户接口函数 17
 5.4.2 数据结构 18
 5.4.3 初始化 19
 5.4.4 删除文件 19
 5.4.5 打开文件 21
 5.4.6 关闭文件 23
 5.5 本章小结 26
第6章 结论 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录 30
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查看完整版本: 基于ARM控制器LPC2214的嵌入式文件系统