JIMI 发表于 20:50


论文编号:DZXX333  论文字数:8028,页数:27  附任务书,开题报告,中期检查,PPT
摘  要
关键词  汽车防撞;单片机;激光测距;交通安全
 Along with the increase in car ownership and the development of transport, the traffic crash rate is keeping in a high level. The traffic safety also becomes more and more important so that people always pay attention to it. To reduce amount of accidents, this paper presents a kind of intelligent automobiles accident avoiding control system based on AT89S51 for automobile, which have the characteristics of a simple frame, high accuracy, long distance and high reliability. The device consists of Laser range sensor, SCM and controllers. Installed in the front of vehicle, the control system can exactly measure the distance between a moving automobile and the roadblock before it, and shows the distance immediately and gives an alarm by emitting voice and light. And the system can automatically brake when the car in a dangerous, thus avoiding the occurrence of traffic accidents.                                                  
 Keywords automotive; anti-collision; SCM; laser ranging; traffic safety
目  录
摘  要 I
第1章  绪  论 1
1.1  课题的背景和意义 1
1.2  本文所做的工作 1
第2章  汽车防撞系统工作原理 3
2.1  激光测距的工作原理 3
2.2  汽车防撞系统的控制原理 4
第3章  汽车防撞系统硬件设计 6
3.1  电源模块的设计 6
3.2  主控制单元的设计 8
3.3激光测距模块的设计 9
3.3.1 PHI-LD90-300激光测距传感器简介 9
3.3.2 激光测距传感器与单片机的连接 11
3.4  显示报警与制动模块 12
3.4.1  LED显示电路 12
3.4.2  声光报警电路 14
3.4.3  制动电路 15
3.5 汽车车速测量模块的设计 15
第4章  汽车防撞系统的软件设计 17
4.1  主控制程序 17
4.2  测距子程序 18
4.3  声光警报程序 19
4.4  制动程序 20
第5章  干扰分析 21
5.1 直达波的影响 21
5.2 路况的影响 21
5.3 天气状况的影响 21
结论与展望 22
结论 22
展望 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
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查看完整版本: 基于AT89S51单片机的汽车防撞系统的设计