JIMI 发表于 20:50


论文编号:DZXX354  论文字数:10545,页数:31  附任务书,开题报告,中期检查,C语言程序
 This article introduces the functions and characteristics of AT89C2051, and I have considered the design approach of the range finder and some questions needed to be noticed, formulated the program to achieve the design and given graphs of the software and hardware design based on the analysis of ultrasonic range finding theory. After the proofread and correct of the system, it’s precision is 0.1m. Because of the strong point of ultrasonic energy consumption slow, medium of communication in the longer distance, thus frequently used ultrasonic distance measurement, such as the range finder and level measurement and so on can be achieved by ultrasound. The system has some features:ease of control,stability of operation,highness of precision and distinctness of program process, etc. And measurement accuracy can meet the practical requirements of industry, in the mobile robot has been developed on a wide range of applications.
Key words: ultrasonic wave; energy-exchanging unit; distance-measurement; AT89C2051single chip processor; temperature compensation
 目  录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
绪  论 3
第一章  系统方案设计 4
1.1  51系列单片机的功能 4
1.2  超声波测距的工作原理 5
1.3  温度补偿 7
1.4  系统结构 7
第二章  电路与程序设计 8
2.1  检测与驱动电路设计 8
2.1.1  单片机系统及显示电路 8
2.1.2  超声波发射电路 8
2.1.3  超声波接收电路 9
2.2  总体电路图设计 10
2.3  工作流程图与软件设计 12
2.3.1  工作流程图 12
2.3.2  软件设计 13
第三章  系统调试与分析 16
3.1  硬件的调试 16
3.2  软件调试 16
3.3  误差分析 17
结 论 18
附录 I     程序清单 21
附录 II   总体电路图 29
参考文献 30
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 基于51单片机的超声波测距仪的设计分析